Digital World Report Collection

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On farms, roadways, hiking trails and office buildings humans have become connected to an electronic framework fretted with sensors. We know the news, the speed of our journey, the moisture content of a crop or the time of our wine delivery within the nearest deciliter, kilometer or minute. Our guardian angels are a multitude of measurers, watchers, alarms and pulse oximeters. I look forward to the day when my self-driving car has its own flock of drones.

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655 Reports in Digital World

Rapidly Growing Radio Frequency (RF) Technologies

Published - Jan 2011 | Publisher - BCC Publishing| Code - IFT057B

The global market for products utilizing digital radio, high-definition TV, advanced cellular, wireless networking, radio frequency identification, global positioning systems, and radio frequency plasma was worth nearly $201 billion in 2010 and is expected to reach $416 billion in 2015, a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15.7% over the next 5 years.

Digital Devices for the Living Room: Technologies and Global Mark...

Published - Jan 2011 | Publisher - BCC Publishing| Code - IFT074A

The global market for digital living room (DLR) devices was estimated to be worth $144.4 billion in 2010. At a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.4%, the DLR devices market is expected to grow to $225.8 billion in 2015. This growth will be primarily driven by the invention of new video technologies (e.g., 3D-TV) and increased consumer desire for having complete digital home theater experiences at home.

Customer-facing Retail Technologies: Global Markets

Published - Oct 2010 | Publisher - BCC Publishing| Code - IFT075A

This report addresses the global market for retail technology and covers the following technologies: Point-of-sale terminals, Electronic fund transfer point-of-sale terminals, Self-checkout terminals and Mobile self-scanners. Includes forecasts through 2015

Transparent Electronics: Technologies and Global Markets

Published - Aug 2010 | Publisher - BCC Publishing| Code - IFT065A

This report analyzes the transparent electronics industry in regard to materials, stakeholder initiatives, patent activities, end application devices, usage scenarios and geographical regions. Includes market forecasts through 2015.

Semiconductor Memory: Technologies and Global Markets

Published - Apr 2010 | Publisher - BCC Publishing| Code - IFT072A

This BCC market research report forecasts the size of the mainstream memory and new age semiconductor memory technologies market from 2009 through 2014.

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