Semiconductor/Microelectronics Cleaning

Report Code: SMC064B

Publish Date: Nov 2010

Publisher: BCC Publishing

Category: Semiconductors

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Report Highlights

  • The global market for microelectronics cleaning equipment, consumables, and services was worth about $2.9 billion in 2009.  This figure is projected to reach $3.4 billion in 2010 and $8 billion by 2015, a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 18.5% between 2010 and 2015.
  • Cleaning chemicals, gases and other consumables such as ultrapure water accounted for 62% of the market in 2009. This sector is worth an estimated $2.1 billion in 2010 and is expected to increase at a 19.1% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) to reach $5 billion in 2015.
  • Equipment sales accounted for 29% of the total microelectronics cleaning equipment market in 2009. This sector is valued at an estimated $1 billion in 2010 and is expected to reach $2.4 billion in 2015, a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 19.1%.


Electronics cleaning refers to the processes or steps that are employed to ensure that a semiconductor or other microelectronic device remains free from contaminants or other foreign materials that could have an adverse impact on its proper functioning and performance. New requirements are being placed on electronics cleaning technologies and products, because as device geometries continue to shrink and die sizes grow, microcontaminants such as particles, metallic impurities, and trace organic contaminants will have an ever-increasing detrimental impact on device yield and reliability.
Various other factors are contributing to the current dynamism of the electronics cleaning market. Process trends such as the movement to single-wafer processing pose new challenges for cleaning technology. Economic and environmental concerns are also causing users of electronics cleaning products to look for ways of reducing their chemicals consumption and substituting more environmentally benign chemicals for the harsh chemistries used in traditional “wet” process cleaning.
In such a dynamic environment, technologies and markets for electronics cleaning are continually evolving.   This report is an update of a report published by BCC Research in May 2006. 
The goal of this updated study is to provide the reader with an understanding of recent developments in electronics cleaning applications, technologies, and products that will influence the future size and structure of the market for cleaning equipment and consumables. 
Specific objectives include identifying segments of the electronics cleaning market with the greatest commercial potential in the near to mid-term (2010 to 2015), identifying and, where possible, quantifying the key demand drivers, projecting future demand for cleaning equipment and supplies, and evaluating the challenges that must be overcome for each segment to realize its potential.
The report is intended especially for vendors of electronics cleaning equipment, chemicals, gasses and other consumables. Other readers who should find it particularly useful include entrepreneurs, investors, venture capitalists and other readers with a need to know where the electronics cleaning market is headed over the next 5 years. 
The report should also be of interest to users of electronics cleaning products such as semiconductor manufacturers. Finally, members of technical and professional organizations such as the Semiconductor Industry Association should find the report useful.
The report addresses the global market for electronics cleaning equipment, chemicals and other consumables, and cleaning-related services during the period from 2009 through 2015. It covers the entire range of products that are used to ensure that the wafer or other microelectronic device is free of contaminants and other unwanted foreign materials as it goes through the fabrication process, including:
  • Cleaning equipment
  • Solvents and other chemicals
  • Gases
  • Miscellaneous other consumables
  • Engineering, management, and maintenance services related to cleaning equipment and supplies.
The report format includes the following major elements:
  • Executive summary
  • Technology trends
  • Products and manufacturers
  • Key patents and patent analysis
  • Major applications in which electronics cleaning products are used (e.g., semiconductor, LCD display fabrication)
  • Market drivers
  • Global trends in the market for electronics cleaning products by technology, product type, application, and geographical region, 2009 to 2015
  • Electronics cleaning product manufacturer market shares.
The findings and conclusions of this report are based on information gathered from industry sources, including manufacturers and users of electronics cleaning equipment and chemicals.   Interview data were combined with information gathered through an extensive review of secondary sources such as trade publications, trade associations, company literature, and on-line databases to produce the market projections contained in this report. 
The base-year for analysis and projection is 2009. With 2009 as a baseline, market projections were developed for 2010 through 2015. These projections are based on a combination of a consensus among the primary contacts combined with our understanding of the key market drivers and their impact from a historical and analytical perspective. The analytical methodologies used to generate the market estimates are described in detail in the section on detailed market projections.
All dollar projections presented in this report are in 2009 constant dollars, unless otherwise noted.
Andrew McWilliams, the author of this report, is a partner in the Boston-based international technology and marketing consulting firm, 43rd Parallel LLC.  He is also the author of several BCC Research reports on related subjects, such as CHM045A Global Technologies for Lithographic Chemicals, SMC048A Semiconductor Microlithography: Materials and Markets, and SMC021C Ultrapure Materials for the Semiconductor Industry (co-author).
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The information developed in this report is intended to be as reliable as possible at the time of publication and of a professional nature. This information does not constitute managerial, legal, or accounting advice; nor should it serve as a corporate policy guide, laboratory manual, or an endorsement of any product, as much of the information is speculative in nature. The author assumes no responsibility for any loss or damage that might result from reliance on the reported information or its use.
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Table of Contents

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. Title/Chapter NamePagesPrice Member Price
Full Report: Semiconductor/Microelectronics Cleaning144 $4,650 Free
Chapter- 1: INTRODUCTION4Free
Chapter- 2: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY2$250Free
Chapter- 6: INDUSTRY STRUCTURE 5$161Free
Chapter- 7: C. CRAMER & CO. GMBH22$710Free
Published - May-2006| Analyst - Andrew McWilliams| Code - SMC064A

Report Highlights

  • The global market for microelectronics cleaning equipment, consumables and services was worth about $3.8 billion in 2005. This figure is projected to reach $4.2 billion by 2006 and $6.9 billion by 2011, at an AAGR of 10.4% between 2006 and 2011.
  • The chemicals, gases and other consumables market is estimated at $3.0 billion in 2011, with average annual growth estimated at 9.8%.
  • Wet process cleaning technologies accounted for about 91% of the total microelectronics cleaning market in 2005, a percentage that is expected to decline slightly to 89% in 2011. Emerging cleaning technologies (including supercritical carbon dioxide and other technologies) are expected to increase their market share from 0.1% in 2005 to nearly 3% in 2011, while dry cleaning technologies' share decreases from 9% to 8%.

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Semiconductor/Microelectronics Cleaning
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